Sunday, July 27, 2008

Number 5 in a series - American Indian Museum - New York


Dorothy Gibbs said...

Hi Jordi,
Love all these images from the Indian Museum. Is the one fro Saturday Moal work? I can't quite tell.

Dorothy Gibbs said...

Sorry. that should say Is the one from Saturday Mola work?

jordi said...

I think it is.. I had so many pictures that my "notes" such as they were aren't as good as I would like. This is the most amazing collection of pictures of artifacts and many of the little shows focus on clothing, fabric and beadwork.
If the link doesn't work it is the online exhibitions reached from the front page of the
Look at the one called Identity by Design and you'll be hooked.

Frances said...

Jordi thanks for the link I've now got in in favs and will be spending time there.... re the pattern if it is a northwest coastel tribe then pre hudson bay they were said to be woven ~ cedar bark warp and mountain goat weft, after hudson bay they traded for blankets which is why some, usually inland have white, where as the coastal usually have red see button blankets, the early woven ones had the design woven in often made in blocks then sewn together, the later HB blanket ones were appliqued with other fabrics, probably too much info but you can see how interested I became and still am,

Frances said...

oppps forgot to say love the mask, drew loads of these at Alert bay Vancouver island, Dzunukwa was/is my fav she is the figure like our bogie man used to stop children running into the forest and getting hurt ;o)