Friday, December 12, 2008

Metropolitan Museum of Art - New Gallery

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mycamerandme365 said...

What an amazing crib. What approximate size is it Jordi?
I love these museum photos. Sue M

jordi said...

Hi Sue.. It is about 8 inches long and about 5 inches high I would estimate.. I just loved it too.

jordi said...

Actually the bed itself is about 5 inches high, with the head and footboard being about 7 inches tall.

Sue Krekorian said...

Where is it from? It reminds me of beds I saw in a museum in Budapest, but this is so much smaller. A bed for dolls, a bed for fairies, an apprentice piece or sample for an early travelling salesman somewhere?

jordi said...

Check the entry on the blog for December 9th. It is a picture of the label for the crib. I put it up first before the pictures of the thing itself.